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spoon out造句

"spoon out"是什么意思  
  • She spooned out a few mouthfuls of rice into each of the plates .
  • You 're to spoon the tomatoes into the jars, mary, and jack is to spoon out bowls of porridge .
  • spoon out the flesh onto a seasoned baked potato
  • The doctor says, " well, maybe you should take the spoon out of the cup .
  • spoon out the egg yolk . put it into a big bowl and mash it . chop the egg white into small cubes
  • When haing soup, moe the spoon away from you to spoon out the soup . when a little remains, you may raise slightly the side of the bowl close to you
  • When having soup, move the spoon away from you to spoon out the soup . when a little remains, you may raise slightly the side of the bowl close to you
  • My wife and i watched the video of our son pushing his little spoon out of his mouth over and over, as johnny cash's song “ bonanza ” played in the background
  • She kept a-raging right along, running her insurrection all by herself, and everybody else mighty meek and quiet; and at last uncle silas, looking kind of foolish, fishes up that spoon out of his pocket
  • It's difficult to see spoon out in a sentence. 用spoon out造句挺难的
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